Evac Map Evac takes place in Singapore, on top of a building complex in the flooded district. The middle of the map is where most of the action is, and it’s best to approach is from the second floor – having a height advantage never hurt anyone. Many players don’t listen for enemy footsteps, and can be taken by surprise. Strategy suggestions: The narrow corridors are great for taking your enemies by surprise with shotguns. It’s full of narrow corridors, with an open middle and a flank path on the side. Combine Map Combine is set in the Egyptian desert, in a research facility that develops sustainable farming methods. The cave on the side of the compound is a good place to drop a few grenades. Strategy suggestions: Hunted is designed for mid to short range fighting – it’s not a good place to be if you prefer sniping, but it’s great for submachine guns and assault rifles. There’s an underwater section that’s great for sneaking behind enemy lines, a cave that can be used for flanking, and lots of open space. Hunted Map Hunted is situated at a hunting lodge in the mountains of Ethiopia, near a waterfall. In this guide, we’re going to show you how the COD: Black Ops 3 beta maps work, and what kind of play are they good for. Each of them is a unique playing field that allows different tactics and uses of the new movement system. The Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 multiplayer beta features three maps – Hunted, Evac and Combine.